Why Puppies Hump - How to Stop a Puppy From Humping and Biting Your Leg

Why Puppies Hump - How to Stop a Puppy From Humping and Biting Your Leg


It is so embarrassing when your puppy begins madly humping people's legs, you, other animals in your home, and just about anything else that incites your puppy into humping. Have you ever wondered why your puppy wants to hump things like a couch cushion or a plush toy? For your convenience, this article explains why puppies hump and provides you with practical advice on how to teach your puppy to stop humping and biting your leg.

Why Puppies Hump - How to Stop a Puppy From Humping and Biting Your Leg


Mini Dachshund Puppy Vs. Mirror


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Mini Dachshund Puppy Vs. Mirror

My Mini Dacshund Puppy Playing with a mirror...

Mini Dachshund Puppy Vs. Mirror

Mini Dachshund Puppy Vs. Mirror

Mini Dachshund Puppy Vs. Mirror

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Puppies and Worms


If you have a puppy you may need to deal with an annoying, but very normal, problem - worms. These nasty little parasites set up residence inside your precious puppy, usually in the digestive system but sometimes (and more dangerously) they can invade other organs such as the heart. Having worms can cause all kinds of problems for a puppy, ranging from vomiting to more serious illnesses such as anemia or possibly even death. Although they can be worrying, treating puppy worms is fairly straightforward and generally very effective. There are 5 main types of worms that are usually seen, these are

Puppies and Worms


Shih Tzu dog Lacey arena with her Mr. Elf squeaky toy


Tube. Duration : 2.40 Mins.

Shih Tzu dog Lacey arena with her Mr. Elf squeaky toy

Lacey is having fun playing with her little "Mr. Elf" squeaky toy. This is one of her favorite toys! Probably because he is so small and easy for her to put in her mouth :D Title: Investigations Music: Kevin MacLeod incompetech.com

Shih Tzu dog Lacey arena with her Mr. Elf squeaky toy

Shih Tzu dog Lacey arena with her Mr. Elf squeaky toy

Shih Tzu dog Lacey arena with her Mr. Elf squeaky toy

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Important Information About Dogs Giving Birth


A normal canine pregnancy lasts approximately sixty-three days following conception. Signs of pregnancy include increased appetite, weight and breast size. Dogs with false pregnancy can also exhibit these symptoms, however. Veterinarians can usually diagnose pregnancy through abdominal palpation at twenty-eight days or by using ultrasound or X-ray tests.

Important Information About Dogs Giving Birth




Video Clips. Duration : 16.67 Mins.


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Why Puppies Hump - How to Stop a Puppy From Humping and Biting Your Leg


It is so embarrassing when your puppy begins madly humping people's legs, you, other animals in your home, and just about anything else that incites your puppy into humping. Have you ever wondered why your puppy wants to hump things like a couch cushion or a plush toy? For your convenience, this article explains why puppies hump and provides you with practical advice on how to teach your puppy to stop humping and biting your leg.

Why Puppies Hump - How to Stop a Puppy From Humping and Biting Your Leg


Pit Puppy Lessons


Video Clips. Duration : 3.78 Mins.

Pit Puppy Lessons

Dog Whisperer: Homeboys and Hounds : SAT JAN 28 8P et/pt : animals.nationalgeographic.com A homeboy turned hard-working family man gets some much-needed lessons in disciplining his spoiled pit bull.

Pit Puppy Lessons

Pit Puppy Lessons

Pit Puppy Lessons

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My Dog is Having Puppies! Now What?


Most of us really do not know too much about a female dog having puppies and so I thought I would gather some information so that if you ever have to care for a pregnant female dog, you will have some knowledge of what to expect and do.

My Dog is Having Puppies! Now What?


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Cute babyish pug ! (Pepito)

Cute babyish pug ! (Pepito)

Cute babyish pug ! (Pepito)

No URL Cute babyish pug ! (Pepito)


A female dog comes into heat (or an average sized dog) about every six months and for large dogs about every 8 to 10 months. The heat period lasts for up to three weeks. The first sign might be a swollen vulva and then sometime during the first week your female will start to bleed. Then comes the call of the wild and the male dogs will descend upon your property with total determination, so be prepared for lots of company.


My Dog is Having Puppies! Now What?

Unless you are a breeder it is advisable to have your female puppy spayed as soon as it is possible. However, once in a while in our busy lives, we may forget to have it done and lo and behold we have a pregnant dog on our hands.

My Dog is Having Puppies! Now What?


Pregnancy can last anytime between 60 to 67 days with the average being 63 days. If possible keep track of the date the neighborhood male visited your dog. About three weeks after that take her to the vet to have the pregnancy confirmed.

If your dog is pregnant she will begin to eat more than she usually does (approximately 1 1/2 times more). Be certain to feel her a high quality food. There are foods available at pet stores or your vet for pregnant females, however if you choose not to go that route, be certain to feed her quality dog food.

During the nursing period she will eat even more. Do not withhold food, as she knows what she needs. It might be wise, if advised by your vet, to feed her vitamins and supplements.

From the time of breeding many dogs tend to go through behavioral changes, some will become a great deal more affectionate, while others might get a bit more irritable. Some believe it or not even suffer from morning sickness, followed by a huge appetite.

The pregnancy begins the moment the male's sperm reaches the female's eggs. As I said the average pregnancy lasts about 63 days. In the beginning the puppies are just a series of fertilized eggs that soon begin to divide into cells. They start with two cells and finally dividing into 16 cells which is what it takes to make a puppy.

From the 9th day to approximately the 20th day these fertilized cells change into am embryo and attach themselves to the wall of the uterus. By the 25day your vet or breeder can begin to feel the embryos and confirm the pregnancy.

By day 28 the embryo begins to resemble a puppy and is about 2 centimeters long, By day 30 all kinds of interesting things begin to happen, the legs and paws are beginning to form, the embryos begin to open their mouths and stick our their tongues and seem to be panting. The central nervous system begins to form and the puppy's sexual characteristics begin to form, also.

By day 35 the eyelids fuse to protect the forming eyes from contamination. The fetus is officially formed by this time and is about the size of a billiard ball.

From day 45 to the day the puppy is born all kind of wonderful things are gong on. The calcification of the bones now enables your vet to X-ray the puppies and see how many there are.

By day 55 the puppy has a full coat of hair, nails and paw pads, the baby teeth are formed but will not be visible until a few weeks after birth.

By day 57 they are completely formed and are beginning to develop a sense of smell.

Day 63 or there about the birth will happen and comes in 3 stages, the cervical stage, which lasts anywhere from 6 to 12 hours. The puppy will be born between 10 to 20 minutes after the female begins straining and it usually will take an hour or more between each puppy's birth. Most puppies are born head first, but sometimes mother nature pulls a trick and a puppy can be born breach with the legs or tail coming out first.

Most females will remove the birth sack by themselves, but if she does not it is up to the human to do so. In this case, I hope you have had a conversation with your vet on what to do.

Prior to the birth you should have prepared a whelping box for your female so that your female knows where to go. Many females want their humans with them at the time of birth and some will not deliver unless the human they love is there.

Line the whelping box with lots of newspapers to absorb the fluids and have it in a secluded place so that the mother feels safe. Keep little children away unless well supervised and quiet.

This is just a birds eye view of what to expect if your female is pregnant. I most urgently advise you to have several talks with your vet regarding the upcoming birth and if you possibly can, have someone who is familiar with the birthing process with you to help if needed.

Puppies are such wonderful critters and such a joy to have around, but spaying your female is really the best way to go.

My Dog is Having Puppies! Now What?



o Your puppy is becoming a teenager so to speak, with surging sexual hormones, which causes your puppy to want to mimic adult dog mating behavior. Admonish your puppy sharply to stop his humping and biting as soon as he begins.


Why Puppies Hump - How to Stop a Puppy From Humping and Biting Your Leg

o Neutering your puppy at six-months of age or the age your pets veterinarian recommends, can stop a problem with humping from ever developing in the first place with very few exceptions.

Why Puppies Hump - How to Stop a Puppy From Humping and Biting Your Leg


o Puppies humping behavior is not always sexual in nature. A puppy wishing to assert his dominance over those he considers his subordinates will also hump and bite. Reassert yourself as the dominate member of your pack family with command and other training as well as teaching your puppy to stop humping and biting by doing so. A good trick to try is to have a noisemaker or small handheld alarm that you activate to produce noise to startle your puppy enough that he will no longer wish to hump or bite your leg.

o Engaging your puppy in a fun activity like fetching a toy as soon as he shows an interest in humping your leg can stop him from humping and biting. It is quite easy to draw a puppy's attention away from negative behaviors and direct him towards acceptable behaviors. Do it before bad behaviors become permanent habits for your puppy.

An overly anxious puppy may react by humping and biting your leg. Working to help your puppy to relax can help stop this unwanted behavior.

Why Puppies Hump - How to Stop a Puppy From Humping and Biting Your Leg



Once pregnancy is confirmed, it's time to review special feeding requirements and what to expect before, during and after the birth with your veterinarian. You should also be briefed on how to recognize and respond to an emergency.


Important Information About Dogs Giving Birth

A few days before she gives birth (known as whelping), the dog may refuse to eat and start to build her nest, where she plans to have her puppies. Unless you introduce her beforehand to a whelping box, the delivery room may be your closet, the space under your bed or any number of places you would probably consider inappropriate.

Important Information About Dogs Giving Birth


A whelping box should be sufficiently large to accommodate a comfortable stretch for the dog. It should have low sides and be placed in a warm, dry/draft-free and secluded place. Place towels or other soft material in the bottom of the whelping box. Fresh newspapers are also fine and may be easily removed and replaced as they become soiled during whelping. Once whelping is completed/ however, you should replace the newspapers with something that provides better footing for the puppies.

Shortly before whelping, the dog's body temperature will drop to 99 degrees or lower (normal temperature for a dog is between l00 and 102.5 degrees). By this time, you should have shaved her belly, where appropriate, to allow the puppies to find the nipples. If she has a long or dense coat, you should also shave and clean the area around her genitals.

Approximately twenty-four hours after her temperature drops, she can be expected to enter the first stage of labor, when the cervix dilates and opens the birth canal for the passage of puppies. At this time, she will pant, strain, appear restless or may perhaps vomit. Vomiting is normal at the onset of labor, but persistent vomiting may be a sign of illness. This stage of labor is followed by actual abdominal straining and production of the puppies and placentas.

Most dogs give birth easily, without the need of human help. Each puppy emerges in its own placental membrane, which must be removed before the puppy can breathe. The mother usually takes care of this by tearing off and eating the membrane, and then severs the umbilical cord. After delivery, she will lick each puppy to stimulate its breathing.

Frequent licking, which continues for three weeks or so, also has another vital function: it stimulates the puppy to excrete waste. Without maternal assistance puppies cannot do so. At the time of birth, new mothers are also busy cleaning their offspring, warming them and allowing them to suckle. It is very important for the puppies to suckle soon after emerging from the womb. Suckling lets them ingest colostrum - a milk-like substance containing maternal antibodies which is produced in the mammary glands just after birth. Colostrum helps the newborn puppies fight infection in their early days while their own immune systems mature.

Important Information About Dogs Giving Birth





Puppies and Worms

Roundworms are the most common kind of puppy worms and many puppies are born with them as an infected mother dog can pass them onto her puppies' in-utero. They can sometimes be seen in your puppy's feces, and are most often transmitted through contact with the worm eggs or larvae in the contaminated stools.

Puppies and Worms


Roundworms can be passed onto humans, and children are most at risk as they tend to play close to the ground where they can come into contact with infected soil, grass or even the feces themselves. A child's tendency to put their hands in their mouth, and to be less stringent about personal hygiene makes them an easy target.

A fecal exam performed by your veterinarian can detect the presence of roundworms, and appropriate medications usually cure the problem fairly quickly.


The most common type of tapeworm is spread by fleas. You can often see tapeworms (or segments of them) in your puppy's feces. They look like small grains of rice and are white in color. They are generally not easily transmitted to humans but good hygiene is still important.

In addition to any medication your veterinarian may prescribe to treat a tapeworm problem, using a regular, monthly flea and tick preventative is a good way to avoid an recurrence of the infestation.


Whipworms may be more common that generally thought, but they are difficult to detect. If your pup has these parasites he may show few symptoms early on, but regular (and often repeated) fecal exams are necessary to make sure he's whipworm-free and to head off any future problems.


The hookworm is a very, very tiny but still pretty nasty little puppy worm. They do best in warm, moist soil and actually penetrate through your puppy's skin and then travel to his intestines.

Humans can also pick up hookworms in the same way, so it's best not to run around barefoot if your puppy has hookworms. A fecal exam and the appropriate medication is the answer to a hookworm infestation.


Heartworms are transmitted by mosquitoes and they're the most deadly of the puppy worms. Heartworms (as their name suggests), take up residence in your puppy's heart and can cause serious health problems. If a heartworm problem is left untreated, it's quite possible that the puppy or dog will die.

A preventative medication (such as Heartgard), given regularly in strongly recommended as treatment for heartworms is long, complicated, expensive and not always successful.

If you have a new puppy be sure to have your veterinarian give him, or her, a fecal exam to check for worms at his first check-up. If at anytime you notice worms in your puppy's feces, or see symptoms that suggest a worm problem, talk to your vet straight away.

Don't try to treat puppy worms with over-the-counter-medications. They're generally not very effective and can have unwanted, even dangerous, side-effects.

Puppies and Worms



o Your puppy is becoming a teenager so to speak, with surging sexual hormones, which causes your puppy to want to mimic adult dog mating behavior. Admonish your puppy sharply to stop his humping and biting as soon as he begins.


Why Puppies Hump - How to Stop a Puppy From Humping and Biting Your Leg

o Neutering your puppy at six-months of age or the age your pets veterinarian recommends, can stop a problem with humping from ever developing in the first place with very few exceptions.

Why Puppies Hump - How to Stop a Puppy From Humping and Biting Your Leg


o Puppies humping behavior is not always sexual in nature. A puppy wishing to assert his dominance over those he considers his subordinates will also hump and bite. Reassert yourself as the dominate member of your pack family with command and other training as well as teaching your puppy to stop humping and biting by doing so. A good trick to try is to have a noisemaker or small handheld alarm that you activate to produce noise to startle your puppy enough that he will no longer wish to hump or bite your leg.

o Engaging your puppy in a fun activity like fetching a toy as soon as he shows an interest in humping your leg can stop him from humping and biting. It is quite easy to draw a puppy's attention away from negative behaviors and direct him towards acceptable behaviors. Do it before bad behaviors become permanent habits for your puppy.

An overly anxious puppy may react by humping and biting your leg. Working to help your puppy to relax can help stop this unwanted behavior.

Why Puppies Hump - How to Stop a Puppy From Humping and Biting Your Leg

